Catalog No: V0351
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 656820-32-5

Reversine is a cell-permeable, selective and ATP-competitive inhibitor of human A3 adenosine receptor and a pan-aurora A/B/C kinase inhibitor as well with potential anticancer activity.

Catalog No: V27563
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 152918-18-8

Piclidenoson, formerly known as CF101, is a specific agonist to the A3 adenosine receptor, which inhibits the development of colon carcinoma growth in cell cultures and xenograft murine models.

Catalog No: V34663
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 96865-92-8

XAC is novel and potent adenosine receptor antagonist.

Catalog No: V17958
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 163042-96-4

Namodenoson (2-Cl-IB-MECA; CF102; CF-102) is a novel, potent, orally bioavailable, and highly selective adenosine A3 receptor (A3AR) agonist with potential anticancer activity.

Catalog No: V15215
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 1135278-41-9

SR 59230A HCl is a potent, brain penetrant and selective β3 adrenoceptor antagonist with IC50 values of 40, 408 and 648 nM for β3, β1 and β2 receptors respectively.

Catalog No: V11088
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 264622-58-4

MRS1754 (MRS-1754; MRS 1754) is a novel, selective and potent A2B antagonist 2B antagonist with anticancer activity.

Catalog No: V16631
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 870070-55-6

Tozadenant (formerly RO-4494351; SYN-115) is an orally bioavailable, selective adenosine A2A receptor antagonist with potential usefulness in the treatment of Parkinson disease (PD).

Catalog No: V11965
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 27848-84-6

Nicergoline tartrate is a naturally occuring ergot derivative and a vasoactive drug with α-adrenergic blocking activity, producing vasodilatation.