Catalog No: V38762
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 4550-72-5

NSC 15364 is a novel and potent inhibitor of VDAC1 oligomerization and apoptosis

Catalog No: V2258
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 2086257-77-2

VBIT-4 is a novel and potent inhibitor of VDAC1 (voltage-dependent anion channel 1), which is the outer mitochondrial membrane protein and a convergence point for a variety of cell survival and death signals, including apoptosis.

Catalog No: V34670
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 2089227-65-4

This product is discontinued due to commercial reason.

Catalog No: V4003
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 82749-70-0

DCPIB (an ethacrynic acid derivative) is a novel, potent and selective blocker of the volume-sensitive anion channel (VSAC) on electrical activity and insulin secretion in rat pancreatic beta-cells.