Catalog No: V3543
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 1613710-01-2

ARN-3236 (ARN3236) is a novel, potent, oral bioavailable and selective inhibitor of salt-inducible kinase 2 (SIK2) with anticancer activity.

Catalog No: V3380
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 1456858-58-4

HG-9-91-01 (HG9-91-01) is a novel, potent and highly selective inhibitor of salt-inducible kinase (SIKs) with antidiabetic effects.

Catalog No: V28380
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 2172617-15-9

YKL-06-061 (YKL06-061) is a novel and potent SIK (salt-inducible kinase) inhibitor (IC50: 6.56 nM/1.77 nM/20.5 nM (SIK1/2/3)) with the potential to be used as a dermatologic drug impacting UV protection and skin cancer risk.