Catalog No: V2150
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 1265965-22-7

S49076 is a novel, potent inhibitor of MET, AXL/MER, and FGFR1/2/3.

Catalog No: V4303
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 1001917-37-8

MK-8033 is a novel, potent, selective, ATP competitive small-molecule, dual inhibitor of c-Met/Ron (IC50=1 nM Wt c-Met) under investigation as a treatment for cancer.

Catalog No: V3459
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 1173699-31-4

AMG-337 is a novel, potent and highly selective small molecule ATP-competitive MET kinase inhibitor.

Catalog No: V7744
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 888719-03-7

BMS-2 is a novel and potent Met/Flt-3/VEGFR2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor.