Catalog No: V2839
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 943962-47-8

BMS-303141 (BMS303141) is a novel, potent, cell-permeable ATP-citrate lyase (ACL) inhibitor with lipid-lowering effects.

Catalog No: V2147
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 2375840-87-0

NDI-091143 (NDI091143) is a novel and potent inhibitor of human ATP-citrate lyase (ACLY) with anticancer activity.

Catalog No: V4609
CAS No. (CAS Registry Number): 154566-12-8

SB 204990, the prodrug of the ATP citrate-lyase inhibitor SB-201076, is a potent, orally available and specific inhibitor of ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) enzyme.